Use Power Automate to Update Large SharePoint Lists

So many items, so little time

Recently, a team at work asked if the task of updating ~4200 items in a SharePoint list could be automated. The manual process was something like this:

  • First, team A exports a SharePoint 2016 list to Excel and sends the Excel file to team B.

  • Second, team B updates a date field to indicate when the request was processed. (Requests were being processed hundreds to thousands in a single day.)

  • Next, team B then sends the Excel file back to team A.

  • Finally, team A updates the hundreds or thousands of items in the SharePoint list.

As you can imagine, updating that many items takes a lot of time. Updating them in bulk would save team A hours of work each week.

I recommended using Power Automate for the bulk updates because it can read from an Excel file. However, that Excel file has to reside in SharePoint Online or OneDrive for Business. My company doesn’t allow confidential data to be stored in the cloud. Luckily, each SharePoint list item has a unique ID, and that was all we needed to match the items in the Excel file with the items in the SharePoint list.

Coming up with the idea was much easier than building the flow. With the help of my colleagues, some friends, and people in the Power Addicts community on Twitter, I was able to complete the request. It probably took longer than manually updating the items, but now I have information and experience to share with you. Good luck!

Create the Excel File

1 . Create a view that includes only the list items that need to be updated. (Each view must contain less than 5,000 items. If necessary, create multiple views.)

2.       Export the list from the new view.

3.       Save the Excel file as an .xlsx file.

4.       Delete all the columns except ID.

5.       Format the ID column as a table.

6.       Navigate to the Data tab and click Unlink.

7.       Save the file.

Although the Excel file will appear to contain only the number of items in the view, there may be blank rows that Power Automate will try to process. You can use Power Query to remove the blank rows in bulk.

1.       Open the .xlsx file in the Excel client.

2.       Check the Count value in the bottom right.

1-Original File Count 251.jpg

3.       Navigate to the Data tab.

4.       Click From Table/Range.

3-From Table Range.jpg

5.       Power Query will open in a separate window.

6.       In the Power Query window, check the Count value in the bottom left.

a.       The data preview in Power Query only looks at the first 1,000 rows. If the Excel file has more than 1,000 rows, the Count value will display as 999+.

b.       If the Count value is higher than expected or shows 999+, I recommend continuing with these steps to delete blank rows. It is much faster than waiting for Power Automate to iterate through phantom rows.

4-Open Power Query.jpg

7.       Click Remove Rows.

8.       From the Remove Rows menu, select Remove Blank Rows.

6b-Remove Rows Menu.jpg

9.       Click Close and Load (far left on the ribbon) to apply the changes.


10.   In the Queries and Connections pane, check the number of rows loaded. It should reflect the number of expected rows.

10-Queries+Connections 250 Rows Loaded.jpg

11.   Because Power Automate creates a new table in a new worksheet, you should now delete the original worksheet. (The less Power Automate must iterate through, the faster the flow will complete.)

a.       Right-click on the worksheet (Sheet1).

b.       Click on Delete.

c.       Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

12-Delete Sheet1.jpg

12.   Save and close the Excel file.

13.   Upload the Excel file to a document library on a SharePoint Online site.

Update SharePoint On-Premises List Item from Excel File

1.       Create a new Automated cloud flow.

2.       Select the SharePoint trigger When a file is created (properties only).

a.       In the Site Address field, select the SharePoint Online site where the document library resides.

b.       From the Library Name dropdown, select the document library where the Excel file was uploaded.

1-When a file is created.jpg

3.       Add the action Convert time zone.

a.       For Base time, use the expression utcNow() to get the current date and time.

b.       Select the desired Format string. The drop down has examples of each option.

c.       Select the Source time zone that matches the Base time (e.g., UTC).

d.       From the Destination time zone dropdown, select the appropriate time zone.

2-Convert time zone.jpg

4.       Initialize two variables using the Initialize variable action.
NOTE: The variable name can be anything. Using a standard format such as var (lowercase) followed by the variable name (using title casing) keeps the variables clear and identifiable through the flow. Another best practice is to keep the variable name all one word.

5.       Create varID as type String with a value of 0. This variable will represent the ID of the item from the SharePoint list.
Optional: Rename the action to Initialize varID.

4a-Initialize varID.jpg

6.       Create varIntID as type Integer with a blank value. The value will be set later.
Optional: Rename the action to Initialize varIntID.

4b-Initialize varIntID.jpg

7.       Find and select the Excel Online (Business) action Get tables.

a.       From the Location dropdown, select the same SharePoint Online site from the trigger.

b.       From the Document Library dropdown, select the same document library from the trigger.

c.       Click within the File field and then, from the Dynamic content pane, select Identifier from the When a file is created (properties only) section.

5-Get Tables.jpg

8.       Add an Apply to each action.
Optional: Rename the action to Apply to each table.

9.       For Select an output from previous steps, click on value under Get tables in the Dynamic content pane.

9-Apply to each table.jpg

10.   Within the Apply to each table action, add the List rows present in a table action.
Optional: Rename the action to List rows present in first table.

10-List rows present in table with file and table.jpg

11.   From the Location dropdown, select the same SharePoint Online site from the trigger.

12.   From the Document Library dropdown, select the same document library from the trigger.

13.   In the File field, click the folder icon at the right and then select the Excel file.
NOTE: This step hardcodes the file name but will be changed later to make the file name dynamic.

14.   In the Table field, use the dropdown to select a table name.
NOTE: This step hardcodes the table name but will be changed later to dynamically select the first table.

15.   Under the List rows present in a table action, add another Apply to each action.
Optional: Rename the action to Apply to each row.
NOTE: This is the first of two nested Apply to each actions.

15-Apply to each.jpg

16.   This time, for Select an output from previous steps, click on value under List rows present in a table in the Dynamic content pane.

17.   Add a Set variable action.
Optional: Rename the action to Set varID.

a.       From the Name dropdown, select varID.

b.       Click inside the Value field and use the Dynamic Values pane to select the name of the column within the Excel file.

6d-Set varID.jpg

18.   Add another Set variable action.
Optional: Rename the action to Set varIntID.

a.       From the Name dropdown, select varIntID.

b.       Click inside the Value field. To switch the Dynamic content pane to Expressions, click on the Expressions tab.

c.       Scroll down to the Conversion functions section.

d.       To populate the fx field, click on int(value).

e.       Put the cursor between the open and close parenthesis and then click on the Dynamic content tab.

f.        Click on varID under the Variables section. This will convert the value in the varID field from a string to an integer.
NOTE: The expression should now read int(variables('varID')).

15-Set varIntID.jpg

g.       Click OK to add the expression to the Value field.

19.   Go back to the List rows present in table action.

20.   Delete the values in the File and Table fields.

21.   Click within the File field and then, from the Dynamic content pane, select Identifier from the When a file is created (properties only) section.
NOTE: This step removes the hardcoded file name and enables dynamic selection instead.

22.   Click within the Table field and then click on the Expressions tab.

23.   In the fx field, type the following: first(outputs('Get_tables')?['body/value'])['id']
NOTE: This step removes the hardcoded table name and enables dynamic selection instead.

First table.jpg

24.   Add a Get items action.
Optional: Rename the action to Get items from SharePoint list.

6e-Get items.jpg

25.   In the Site Address field, type the URL for the SharePoint on-premises list. Then select Use [URL] as a custom value.

26.   From the List Name dropdown, select the name of the list to update.

27.   In the Filter Query field, type ID eq and then, from the Dynamic content pane, click on varIntID under the Variables section.
NOTE: Reducing the number of columns returned improves the performance of the flow.

28.   Optional: In the Limit Columns by View field, use the dropdown to select the view created in step 1 of Create the Excel File.

29.   Add an Apply to each item under the Get items action.
Optional: Rename the action to Apply to each item.

6f-Apply to each item.jpg

30.   This time, for Select an output from previous steps, click on value under Get items from SharePoint list.

31.   Within the Apply to each item action, add an Update item action.
Optional: Rename the action to Update item in SharePoint list.

32.   In the Site Address field, type the URL for the SharePoint on-premises list. Then select Use [URL] as a custom value.

33.   From the List Name dropdown, select the name of the list to update.

34.   Click inside the ID field and then click on the Dynamic content tab.

35.   Click on varIntID under the Variables section.

36.   For each field displayed, click on the corresponding field name in the Dynamic content pane.

37.   Click Save (at the bottom after the last action or at the top right of the canvas area) to complete the flow.

Create a Megamenu in SharePoint Online

SharePoint Online has a new navigation option: megamenu. In a January 2019 blog post, Microsoft Senior Product Manager Mark Kashman wrote, “The new Megamenu options allow for multiple levels of hierarchy at once - no cascading fly-outs needed. This will enable you to better organize and showcase the content and sites.” Megamenus offer three levels of navigation: a header, a sub-header, and a sub-link.


Creating a megamenu is simple, but can be a little tedious. Here’s how you do it.

First, navigate to the SharePoint site where you want to create a megamenu. I used a Communication site called megamenu. Second, click the cog wheel in the top right, on the suite bar. Then click Change the Look. Click Navigation and then select Megamenu. Click Save.

Second, click Edit on the top (global) navigation.


The editable navigation links now appear on the left. Place the cursor where you want to add a new header or link, and then click on + (plus sign).


Under Choose an option, select URL or Header.

Header will add a first- or second-level header, such as Resources or Blogs. In the Display name field, type the title of this header.

URL will add a sub-link at the third-level of the megamenu navigation. In the Address field, type the URL for the site.

Best Practice: For a SharePoint site, enter the relative URL. (e.g., /sites/megamenu)

Headers can become sub-links, and vice versa. In edit mode, click on the ellipsis (…) to the right of the header or sub-link. For a top-level header, click Edit and then change the option to URL. Enter the URL and, if necessary, change the Display name. To change a second-level header to top-level, click the ellipsis and then click Promote sub-link. To make the second-level header into a URL, click the ellipsis and click Edit. Change the option from Header to URL, and add the URL. Click OK.

To re-order the megamenu, click the ellipsis next to a header or sub-link and click Move up or Move down. Alternatively, you can drag-and-drop. Everything under the header (whether first- or second-level) will move accordingly.

Clicking Remove will delete the header or sub-link and everything under it.

Once your changes are finished, scroll to the bottom of the pane and click Save. Until you click save, you can click Cancel to undo all of your changes since the last time you clicked save.

Power BI Publish to Web

Power BI Publish to Web makes your data available to anyone on the internet, worldwide, including hackers and competitors.

Creating a SharePoint Site from a Custom Form

The Modern SharePoint experience, which is now available in SharePoint Online as well as SharePoint Server 2019, has brought a breath of fresh air to intranet users and designers. However, site creators are still faced with the age-old question: Which type of site do I create? (For information about creating sites, check out Create a Team Site in SharePoint Online and Create a Communication Site in SharePoint Online.)

My first assumption was that a modern Team site URL would use /teams and a modern Communication site would use /sites. But that’s not the case. Thanks to a drop down box in the SharePoint Admin Center Settings, the URL for the new site will contain “/sites” or “/teams", with the former being the default option. This means you can have a modern Team site with an Office 365 Group at

So how can site creators choose /sites or /teams without giving them permission to the SharePoint Admin Center? They can’t. However, they can fill out a custom form, which can be connected to the See other options link when creating a Communication or Team Site.

The first step to connect the site request form is to go back to the Settings in the SharePoint Admin Center. In the Site Creation section, there is a checkbox for “Use the form at this URL.” Checking the box and entering the URL of a form will allow site creators to “create sites from a custom form” and then “access the form by clicking See other options when they're creating the site.”

Figure 1: Site Creation settings from the SharePoint Online Admin Center

Figure 1: Site Creation settings from the SharePoint Online Admin Center

Second, create a form. Where? Using what? Since I could not find a definitive answer, I created a form in Microsoft Forms. Unfortunately, when I clicked See other options, I was taken to a Forms page with the error “This form doesn’t exist.” Long story short, a Microsoft Forms form will not work.

Does a SharePoint list form work? Yes it does! (Why didn’t I start there?!?) I recommend creating a custom list with (at least) the following columns:

Figure 2: New item form in SharePoint

Figure 2: New item form in SharePoint

  • Site Name (maybe use the default Title field for this)

  • Site type (Communication or Team)

  • Site owners (there should be at least two)

  • Other permissions (members of the Office 365 group, if applicable; names of people to put into the Members and Visitors groups)

If you want the See other options link to go directly to the page for creating a new item in the SharePoint list, be sure to change the URL ending from /allitems.aspx to /newform.aspx .

Alternatively, you can set up self-service site provisioning. One way is through the PnP Provisioning Engine - Self-service site collection provisioning project, which is available on Github. The URL for the web UI would be inserted into the SharePoint Admin Center settings field “Use the form at this URL.”

Figure 3: See other options link in the Create Site window

Figure 3: See other options link in the Create Site window

Finally, it’s time to create a new site! If you are the SharePoint Admin, you can create a new site from the new SharePoint Admin Center. Click “Active Sites” and then simply click “Create Site.” To navigate to the custom form, select Team or Communication and then look for See other options in a tiny font at the top of the window.