Hi. I’m Theresa, and I’m NOT a developer. I have been using SharePoint for the past 12 years as an end user, site owner, site collection owner, and farm admin (SharePoint 2003-2016), as well as a Microsoft 365 global admin and SharePoint admin. You could almost say that SharePoint is in my blood. It’s definitely in my name (SharePointMadam).
Recently, on Twitter, I asked this question:
How/where do I go to learn #MicrosoftGraph? I'm not a developer but need to be able to use it for #SharePoint reporting at a minimum. I know about #MicrosoftDocs + YouTube Getting Started playlist. Looking for tutorials or step-by-step instructions.
The responses were overwhelming. Thank you to Vlad Catrinescu, Brian Jackett, and Luise Freese for providing suggestions, and to those who joined the conversation, especially Jeremy Thake and Darrel Miller from the Microsoft Graph Product Group.
Because there were so many great resources suggested, I decided to list them all here. I split them into five categories to make it easier for you to decide which ones to dive into first. Also, Microsoft has their own list of Microsoft Graph Resources here.
Microsoft Graph Documentation
Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK Preview
Microsoft Graph: Developer Blog
Lap Around Microsoft Graph Toolkit
30 Days of Microsoft Graph blog series
Exploring Microsoft Graph Toolkit Lap as non Developer
Getting Started with Microsoft Graph Playlist
Microsoft Build 2020 On-Demand Sessions
Interactive Learning
Microsoft Graph Explorer
Get Started with Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph Community Call / First Tuesday of every month / 8:00am PT / 3:00pm GMT
Learning Paths
Microsoft Graph
Build apps with Microsoft Graph - Associate
Microsoft 365 Developer
Where do I begin? I’m not sure yet; but as I embark on this journey, I’m going to share it with you here. So check back frequently! I’ll also update this list of references as I find new material.